SMart Remit Soft Launch

Suria Muhabat (SM) is a Class A Money Services Business recognized and licensed by BNM ( and is no longer an agent of any company. Please visit our branches nationwide for fast & secure international remittance services with better exchange rates and also for your currency exchange requirements (
SMartExchange SMartRemit
HQ Customer Service Line (office hours) : +603-8945 2270 / +6011-16177488
Suria Muhabat (SM) adalah Perniagaan Perkhidmatan Wang Kelas A yang diiktiraf dan dilesenkan oleh BNM ( dan bukan lagi ejen mana-mana syarikat. Sila lawat cawangan kami di seluruh negara untuk perkhidmatan kiriman wang antarabangsa yang pantas & selamat dengan kadar pertukaran yang lebih baik dan juga untuk keperluan pertukaran mata wang anda (
SMartExchange SmartRemit
Talian Khidmat Pelanggan HQ (waktu pejabat): +603-8945 2270 / +6011-16177488
1 Step 1
SM Currency Booking Form


10am - 6pm : Same day published rate apply.​

After 6pm - 11.59pm : Next day published rate apply.


Booking day + 2 days (11am - 7pm daily)

Collection Time11am - 7pm

We will contact you to confirm your booking rate based on our published rate. To secure the rate, you need to pay a deposit of 20% of the total booking amount in RM value or RM500 (whichever is lower) within the given timeframe. If we don't receive the deposit within the specified timeframe, our published rate on the day of collection will apply.
